Why consider Leg Vein Treatment?

  • Removes visible veins and capillaries
  • Improves unsightly leg veins
  • Improves circulation
  • A consultation with Dr Lim is required before any leg vein treatment

  • Contact us for a quote

Before and After


Leg Vein Treatment

What is Leg Vein Treatment?

Sclerotherapy or laser vein treatment is highly effective for veins that have become enlarged, uncomfortable, or unsightly. This treatment can be used to treat both varicose veins and spider veins. The circulation will improve because new networks of veins will develop to bypass the diseased ones. We then use the Cutera Excel V+ Laser vein to remove any smaller veins once the sclerotherapy treatment has been completed.


How does it work?

We use a combination process involving injections into unwanted veins with sclerosants (medical solutions) that cause the veins to collapse and dry up, resulting in complete closure. We then tidy up any superficial veins with the vascular laser, leaving behind improved skin tone.

Please note: Varicose Vein is a medical disease not cured by sclerotherapy or surgery. New varicose veins may develop as one age, so it is necessary to return for regular follow-ups. Your doctor can tell you how often you must return for these follow-ups.

Sclerotherapy is highly successful and relatively painless. Anyone with a varicose vein problem should seek treatment early to avoid surgery.

Medicare will cover part of Varicose vein treatment costs. Almost all the Private Health Funds will cover the cost of the compression stockings.

How many treatments?

To be discussed in consultation

Enhance your results

Combine Laser hair reduction for smooth and hair-free legs.