Why consider Fractionated Laser?

  • Collagen production
  • Improves wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improves sun damaged skin
  • Improves acne scars
  • Improves stretch marks
  • Fades pigmentation
  • Resurfaces skin texture and tone
  • 1 hour

  • Call us for a quote

Before and After


Fractionated Laser

What is Fractionated Laser?

Fractionated Laser is a non-invasive laser treatment that is designed to promote collagen and elastin production. It smooths wrinkles, stretch marks and scars, fades pigmentation and resurfaces the skin’s texture and tone.

SM Aesthetic Lab uses The ResurFX™ laser for all fractionated laser treatments. The ResurFX™ is the latest in non-ablative, fractional laser technology. It is a non-ablative laser, which stimulates the skin to develop collagen without harming or ablating it. The ResurFX™ requires only one pass over the skin to produce effective results, reducing treatment time. Finally, since it is a non-ablative, fractional laser, the recovery time after the procedure is minimised.

How does it work?

Microchannels of laser light deliver energy to the deeper layers of the dermis. The body responds to these micro-injuries to the skin resulting in increased blood flow and wound healing. The laser beam causes heating of the tissue which stimulates collagen and elastin production.

The treatment

The patient will have an initial consultation with a Fractionated Laser specialist to discuss their concerns and goals.

The area to be treated is cleansed and a topical anaesthetic can be applied for patient comfort.

Post treatment there can be some redness and heat. Some patients experience skin dryness for up to 7 days. Darkening of the skin can be expected for up to 7 days.

Fractionated Laser can be used on any skin type and ethnicity.

How many treatments?

2-5 treatments

Similar treatments to Fractionated Laser:

1. Fraxel Laser: Fraxel laser is a specific type of fractionated laser treatment that uses microscopic laser columns to target particular areas of the skin.
2. CO2 Laser Resurfacing: CO2 laser resurfacing is a more aggressive fractionated laser treatment that removes layers of damaged skin cells.
3. Erbium Laser Resurfacing: Erbium laser resurfacing is another type of fractionated laser treatment that removes the top layers of the skin.
4. Pixel Laser: Pixel laser is a fractionated laser treatment that uses microthermal zones to target damaged areas of the skin.
5. Halo Laser: Halo laser is a hybrid fractionated laser treatment that combines ablative and non-ablative wavelengths.
6. Venus Viva NanoFractional RF technology is a skin resurfacing device that uses radiofrequency energy to improve skin texture and acne scarring and address various skin concerns. Safe for all skin types.

It’s essential to consult with a Dermal Therapist or Cosmetic Nurse to determine which treatment is best suited for your specific skin type and concerns. They can assess your skin condition and recommend the most appropriate option.