Why consider a HydraFacial™?

  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Helps with oily skin and blackheads
  • Improves fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improves sun damage
  • Improves hyperpigmentation
  • Perfect before a special occasion
  • 1 hour

  • from $219

Before and After



What is a HydraFacial™?

A HydraFacial™ is an exfoliating and hydrating facial treatment. It involves a 4-step process of deep cleaning, exfoliating, extracting and hydrating the skin.

It is a non-invasive procedure that can instantly brighten and noticeably improve skin tone and texture.

How does it work?

HydraFacial™ uses advanced Vortex Technology® to deeply cleanse the skin and effectively deliver botanical ingredients containing nutrients and peptides into the skin.

In addition, the HydraFacial™ also delivers powerful antioxidants to counteract damage from pollution, sun and stress – which can degrade the skin and accelerate the ageing process.

Enhance your results

Elevate your experience with the HydraFacial package by combining an LED Light Therapy treatment and cosmetic injectables such as Skin Boosters to give you further skin hydration.

Similar treatments to a HydraFacial:

Several treatments are similar to a HydraFacial in terms of their ability to improve the appearance of the skin; however, the HydraFacial uses the latest Vortex technology and is the most advanced treatment on the market. Treatments similar to:

1. Microdermabrasion: This procedure exfoliates the skin using a device that sprays tiny crystals on the surface. It helps to remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and improve skin texture. However, the HydraFacial treatment is more effective, has no downtime and causes less discomfort.
2. Laser Facial: Laser Genesis is a popular treatment that uses advanced laser technology to rejuvenate skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, leaving you with a brighter and more even complexion.
3. Chemical Peels: Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which exfoliates the outer layer and rejuvenates the skin. Chemical Peels can help with congested skin, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin texture. However, the HydraFacial treatment has no downtime and causes less discomfort.
4. Dermaplaning: This treatment involves using a surgical scalpel to gently remove dead skin cells and peach fuzz from the face unlike the advanced HydraFacial treatment which is more effective.

It’s essential to consult with a HydraFacial specialist to determine which treatment is best suited for your specific skin type and concerns. They can assess your skin condition and recommend the most appropriate option.